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Book shelf

Explore a selection of publications by alumni and academics, and books with a link to the University or Cambridge

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Alea D. Reeves (Hughes Hall 2018)

Did you know that salt was used as a currency to pay Roman soldiers, the Don Juan Pond is so salty that it does not freeze, and the word 'salt' is derived from “salarium” meaning salary? Where would the world be without salt? Too little salt or too much will cause imbalance. Salt is all around and used in many different ways. Salt plays a crucial role in many things such as the body, food, and on roads. Just as salt is crucial and necessary so is a schedule.

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Dr Meinou Simmons (Girton 1999)

Supporting the mental health and well-being of children and young people is a top priority for parents, caregivers, and teachers, but it can be tricky to find reliable and evidence-based information. Written by an experienced child and adolescent psychiatrist, in a user-friendly question and answer format, this book outlines the mental health challenges facing our children and young people and offers practical advice on how to best support them.

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Melissa Gatter (Magdalene 2015)

Azraq refugee camp, built in 2014 and host to forty thousand refugees, is one of two official humanitarian refugee camps for Syrian refugees in Jordan. Time and Power in Azraq Refugee Camp investigates the relationship between time and power in Azraq, asking how a politics of time shapes, limits, or enables everyday life for the displaced and for aid workers. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, carried out during 2017-2018, the book challenges the perceptions of Azraq as the 'ideal' refugee camp.

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Emily Osborne (Trinity 2007)

Safety Razor combines personal lyrics with translations from Old Norse skaldic verse, its taut poems running like high wires between the poles of terror and joy, danger and safety, erudition and naivety. Mingling subjects as diverse as dinosaur bones and diacritical markers, Vikings and mothering, Safety Razor pits cultural and historical flotsam against the intimate and the academic.

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Rosamunde Codling (Trinity Hall 1978)

This book brings together a varied collection of material relating to projects on which I have worked as a landscape architect and planner, from a single field in East Anglia to a whole continent. I argue that landscape belongs – is “common” – to us all. Landscapes are for living in, and many of their components meet our material needs. But there is more – landscapes are part of our lives, places where values and emotions co-exist, giving us a different form of sustenance not met by other means.

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Jason Bell (Robinson 2008)

The thrilling true story of Agent A12, the earliest enemy of the Nazis. In public life, Cambridge alumnus Dr Winthrop Bell of Halifax was a Harvard philosophy professor and wealthy businessman. As MI6 secret agent A12, he evaded gunfire and shook off pursuers to break open the emerging Nazi conspiracy in 1919 Berlin. His reports, the first warning of the Nazi plot for WWII, went directly to the man known as C, the mysterious founder of MI6, and to prime ministers. But a powerful fascist politician quietly worked to suppress his alerts.

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Graeme Bowman (King's 1985)

Did Churchill try to sabotage Overlord? Did the ‘Greatest Ever Briton’ champion a ‘Brexit’ military strategy which prioritised British oil and Empire interests in the Mediterranean over the need to liberate western Europe from fascism? Read Empire First and decide. Conventional WWII histories begin in 1933 or 1939 and offer a limited understanding of the conflict but Empire First begins in 1874-75 (Churchill’s birth and Disraeli’s acquisition of Suez Canal shares) to show how Suez dominated British thinking for six decades prior to 1939 and shaped the PM’s wartime priorities.

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Letizia Diamante (Murray Edwards 2009)

This is the Italian version of the only game-book (similar to a "choose-your-own-adventure book") set at CERN, which was published in English as Your adventures at CERN by World Scientific Publisher. It will be translated in other languages in the future. As soon as you open this book, YOU become the main character! You will be catapulted to CERN, one of the most famous laboratories in the world ― a real scientific wonderland of underground tunnels, massive experiments and technological marvels.

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Christopher Stray (Sidney Sussex 1968)

This autobiographical memoir, by a man who was at Trinity 1813-19, was originally published in 1827 as Seven years at the University of Cambridge but never reprinted. It gives fascinating details about student life, including examinations, misbehaviour in chapel, teaching, riotous and sexual misconduct, sport and hunting. The author was a successful student, but due to a series of misadventures graduated with a pass degree, and failed to gain a college fellowship.

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Lord Simon McDonald (Pembroke 1979)

When Abraham Lincoln said, 'You can be anything you want to be,' Americans, and eventually everybody everywhere, lifted their sights. Nowadays anybody can aspire to be a leader, and nearly everybody has to lead sometimes. In his first book, Simon McDonald assumes that thinking about leadership before you lead helps you to lead better.

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Asrif Yusoff (Hughes Hall 2017)

Staying the Course: Navigating the Challenges of Part-time Study is a practical companion that helps and guides you to chart your academic success while progressing in your career. The book is based on the author’s experience in balancing family, work, and study as a part-time student across two master’s programmes and one doctoral programme over the past ten years -- and counting. Across 13 chapters, you will be provided with effective strategies and real insights on:

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Kinchit Bihani (Fitzwilliam 2008)

Do you feel disheartened because ... A cocktail of macro trends (changing climate, pandemics, threat of wars, pollution, crony capitalism, etc.), micro trends (inflation, regional wars, racial conflicts, inefficient governments, etc.) and nano trends (strained relationships, loneliness, etc.) is threatening human race. Is there a magical bullet to the aforesaid problems? Will changing leadership and regimes, bringing in new legislations, creating new institutions, new science and other measures bring complete relief?

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Leda Glyptis (King's 1997)

The world is going digital, and so is banking—in fits, starts, and circles. Why is it so hard? Why is the industry constantly getting in the way of its own technological progress and what can we do about it all? This book looks at the human and structural obstacles to innovation-driven transformation and at the change in habits, mindsets and leadership needed for the next stage of the digital journey and argues that this change will be brought about, not by external heroes and saviours, not by a generation yet to be born, but people just like us.

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Konrad Schiemann (Pembroke 1958)

The inspirational story of a young German orphan who escaped a war-torn Berlin to rise to the highest ranks of the European legal system. When Konrad Schiemann escaped his home in Berlin to begin a new life in England, he didn’t know what life awaited him there. An orphan who had lost both of his parents at the end of World War Two, he reached this new country to start again with the help of relatives. Grown up, he decided to practise as a barrister in England and became a judge of the Appeal Court and finally of the European Court of Justice.

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Olivia Sparkhall (Homerton 1998)

To maintain a healthy speaking and singing voice, it is essential to keep your instrument in good working order. This is a guide specifically aimed at young people, to help them to understand how to look after their voice. Ideal for choristers, choral scholars, aspiring actors and pop singers alike, it covers avoiding or dealing with problems like colds and sore throats, shouting in sports halls, overuse, diet, hormones, anxiety, abuse, and bad habits.

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James Giles (Tutor, Institute of Continuing Education)

Blue Swan is James Giles’ second album. Weaving its way through rock, indie, alternative-folk, and ambient music, it carries the listener into a whirlwind of musical expressions. From the pulsating rhythm of the title track, Blue Swan, and the melodic but eerie strains of Shallow Graves, to the hypnotizing cycles of The Western Sky, a path is traced that has no evident boundaries. Each song, however, shares something with the others.

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Jenny Moore (Selwyn 1994)

All the best stories and adventures start with a knock at the door… Or the thwump of a dragon’s tail at the entrance to her cave, in the case of Emba Oak. But then nothing about Emba’s story is normal; from the scales on her arms and legs, to the shocking discovery that she hatched out of a dragon’s egg. Even more shocking is the news that an evil sorcerer is after her dragon blood and will do anything to get his hands on it. Can Emba keep herself safe or will her loved ones pay the price?

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Jenny Moore (Selwyn 1994)

'What if I don't want to go back to a life of storms and soggy sea biscuits?' said Captain Blunderfuss. 'What if I'd rather stay here and search for treasure instead?' When a pair of unruly fictional pirates escape out of their book into Victorian London, 11-year-old Odelia Hardluck-Smythe's lonely life is turned upside down. Captain Blunderfuss and Cook are rude, dangerous and obsessed with marzipan fruits, but they could be the answer to all her prayers. Pirates mean treasure and poor, fatherless Odelia could really do with some of that.

Annabel Steadman (Selwyn 2010)

Thirteen-year-old Skandar Smith has only ever wanted to be a unicorn rider. To be one of the lucky few selected to hatch a unicorn. To bond with it for life; to train together and race for glory; to be a hero. But just as Skandar's dream is about to come true, things start to take a more dangerous turn than he could ever have imagined. A dark and twisted enemy has stolen the Island's most powerful unicorn - and as the threat grows ever closer, Skandar discovers a secret that could blow apart his world forever...

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Roger Stennett (Christ's 1969)

A collection of ooems looking at the life, work and themes of Welsh poet Dylan Thomas (1914-53) and at the connections and differences between us as writers.


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