In The Moment: Build your confidence, communication and creativity at work

Author: Neil Mullarkey (Robinson 1980)
Publisher: Kogan Page
There are moments throughout our lives when our confidence and creativity can make all the difference. Discover how to transform your career and grow your network by finding success In The Moment. With over two decades of experience in bringing improv and other skills to leaders and teams, Neil Mullarkey shares his insights on creativity, leadership, meetings, storytelling, the human connection, both in face-to-face and virtual worlds.
Every meeting, presentation and conversation is an opportunity to embrace your confidence and show your creative flair. With insights on collaboration, risk-taking and organization, this book arms you with a complete repertoire of powerful communication tricks and strategies.
As both a communication expert and a renowned comedian, Neil Mullarkey is uniquely qualified to demonstrate how you can develop your creativity, communication and confidence in your professional life. With incisive case studies and witty observations, In the Moment is an engaging and illuminating guide to success.