Current students and recent graduates
A mandatory requirement of this year's online Freshers' Events is the participation of at least one current student or recent graduate, but preferably more. We strongly recommend their involvement at in-person events too, although it is not mandatory.
Benefits of involving current students and recent graduates
- The vast majority of feedback from previous attendees confirms that speaking to current students is the best thing about Freshers’ Events and the main incentive for going
- They can participate in a question and answer session, or provide a short presentation about their experiences of Cambridge
- Your Group is likely to benefit from staying in touch with these potential future members
How to recruit current students and recent graduates
- Please try to recruit a diverse group of volunteers representing a broad range of Colleges and courses/disciplines
- Help to recruit current students and recent graduates is available from the Alumni Engagement team. Once recruited, volunteers will be put in touch with you for details about the role and your prompt response will be appreciated. You might find it useful to read the volunteer role profile and our tips for working with volunteers below. Please note that we cannot guarantee the recruitment of volunteers for Freshers' Events
- If your Group has hosted a Freshers' Event before, why not invite back previous attendees and volunteers to help out?
- Ask fellow Group members if they are in contact with current students, or recent graduates, to approach for help
- (UK only) Ask the Schools Liaison Officer for your area to promote the opportunity to current students, including those holding College Access Officer roles
Student societies
Groups with an equivalent student society in Cambridge are encouraged to involve them in your Freshers' Events and other student engagement activities. You could, for example:
- Co-host the Freshers' Event together, thus gaining their help with organising and promoting it
- Invite members of their committee to attend your event and provide a short presentation about the student society and life at Cambridge
- Find out if they will be hosting an orientation event for new students in Cambridge at the beginning of term and promote it at the Freshers' Event
To check if your Group has an equivalent student society, visit the list of Registered Clubs & Societies, Cambridge SU Societies Directory, or contact the Alumni Engagement team.
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Tips for working with volunteers
Please help your volunteers feel welcomed, valued and supported by taking these steps.
Before the event
Respond promptly to communications from volunteers, or they might lose interest in the role
Provide volunteers with plenty of information about the role, including (i) shift start and end times; (ii) link to the online event; (iii) who to report to on arrival; and (iv) what they'll be doing
On arrival
Introduce the volunteer to any other volunteers and Group members
Outline their responsibilities and brief them on event timings
During the event
Introduce volunteers as part of your welcome speech to attendees
After the event
Visit the Stay in touch with volunteers section for tips