After the event

After the event

  • Image of freshers event

Newcastle Freshers' Event

There are several follow-up tasks for organisers to complete after their events.

Submit your attendee registration form

Please submit your attendee registration form to the Alumni Engagement team within two weeks of your event, following the instructions on the Attendee registration form page.

If we receive your form within seven calendar days of your event, you will be entered into a free prize draw to win a £50 voucher to use online, or in store, at Ryder & Amies. Terms and conditions apply. 

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Attendee feedback

On receiving your attendee registration form, we will contact your event attendees for their feedback and share any responses with you by the end of December. We hope this will give you an idea of what worked well and provide some suggestions for next time.

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Stay in touch with attendees

Data protection and written consent
It is recommended that the Group keeps in contact with your event attendees throughout their time at Cambridge. However, in order to do so, you must provide each attendee with the Group's data protection statement and obtain each attendee's written consent before you can do so. 

  • Groups based in the European Economic Area (EEA): please familiarise yourself with the data protection information for Alumni Groups.
  • Groups based outside the EEA: if you intend to keep in contact with attendees after the event, you should observe the data protection legislation for your area.

We suggest starting with an email thanking attendees for coming to your event and inviting them to join your mailing list. If you haven't done so already, provide them with your data protection statement and ask for their written consent for the Group to keep in contact with them. You could follow this with an invitation to your Christmas, or other festive, event and continue to promote the Group's student engagement activities throughout the academic year. Why not invite them to next year's Freshers' Event as current student volunteers?

The organiser of the Cambridge Society of Paris's event shares how the Group stays in contact with attendees at the bottom of this page.

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Stay in touch with volunteers

Please show your appreciation to volunteers by contacting them within a few days of the event to thank them for their involvement. 

  • Current students: keep them informed of the Group’s events and student engagement activities and invite them back to help at next year’s Freshers’ Event. You must provide each volunteer with the Group's data protection statement and obtain each volunteer's written consent in order to keep in contact with them
  • Recent graduates: invite them to join the Group and/or sign up to the mailing list. Please signpost them to other Groups if they are based in a different area
  • Schools Liaison Officer (UK only): ask about opportunities for the Group to get involved with outreach activities in the area and consider co-hosting your Freshers' Events together going forward
  • Student societies: team-up with your Group's equivalent student society for events and other initiatives. Working together is likely to ensure a smooth transition for members from the student society to the Alumni Group when they graduate. To find out if your Group has an equivalent student society, visit the list of Registered Clubs & Societies, Cambridge SU Societies Directory, or email the Alumni Engagement team

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Next year's events

The Alumni Engagement team will review the year’s Freshers’ Events and start planning for the coming year in December. Groups will be contacted from March onwards with an invitation to host an event.

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Image of Tony Banton

Case study: Cambridge Society of Paris

Freshers' Events organiser Tony Banton (Trinity College 1975), who is Honorary Secretary of the Cambridge Society of Paris and an Alumni Advisory Board member, shares his tips for keeping in touch with attendees below:

"We offer attendees free membership of the Society for three years. Most accept and we keep in touch with them through general mailings. We contact those who don't respond a couple of times with reminders of our membership offer and then, if they still don't join, we apply data protection rules and delete them from our lists. The new approach this year is an event we are holding on 1st February in Cambridge, specifically targeted at our current student members - most of whom have attended our Freshers' Events as new students, or current student volunteers, over the last three years. The invitation will also be the last chaser to the non-joiners, hoping they will want to come along."