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Book shelf

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translation cover
Armen Parsyan (Clare Hall 2003), editor

This book, for the first time, comprehensively assembles and analyzes a large body of information on the role of the fundamental mechanism of the protein biosynthesis pathway, translation, in cancer biology. It systematically explores the function of the translation machinery and its regulation, including cell signaling, in the development, maintenance and progression of human cancer.

The Pauline Conversion cover
Anthony Camber (Downing 1988)

With echoes of Tom Sharpe and PG Wodehouse, The Pauline Conversion weaves drama, politics, satire, social justice, mystery and humour in a touching tale of reinvention, trust — and family.

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Rodney Croft (Selwyn 1962)

2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Sir Winston Churchill.  Using archival material and interviews with members of the Churchill family, the book explores all aspects of both the state and private funerals held in January, 1965.

The Final Whistle book cover
Stephen Cooper (Trinity 1977)

Winner Rugby Book of Year: Times British Sports Book Awards 2013

With Foreword by Bill Beaumont CBE DL Chairman RFU

This is the story of fifteen men killed in the Great War. All played rugby for one London club; none lived to hear the final whistle.

Rugby brought them together; rugby led the rush to war. They came from Britain and Empire to fight in every theatre and service, among them a poet, playwright and perfumer.  Some were decorated and died heroically; others fought and fell quietly. Together their stories paint a portrait in miniature of the entire War.

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John Bancroft (Caius 1954)

Is God really knowable? Does uncertainty harm or benefit science? Can we be certain about our moral principles, and how can historical examples guide our perspective? These are several questions that Dr. John Bancroft tackles in his new book, Tolerance of Uncertainty.

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Matthias Konradt, eds Wayne Coppins (Fitzwilliam 2002) and Simon Gathercole (Faculty of Divinity)

Israel, Church, and the Gentiles in the Gospel of Matthew addresses one of the central theological problems of Matthew’s Gospel: what are the relationships between Israel and the Church and between the mission to Israel and the mission to the Gentiles? To answer these questions, Matthias Konradt traces the surprising transition from the Israel-centered words and deeds of Jesus (and his disciples) before Easter to the universal mission of Jesus’ earliest followers after his resurrection.

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Paul Vlitos (St Edmunds 2001)

Combining crisp observational humour with a compelling mystery-driven plot, The Unravelling is a contemporary crime story with a wry twist.

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Peter Green (Pembroke 1958)

'Exams tend to corrupt; final exams corrupt finally.' This novel is about exams, literature, sex, cancer and time. Part 1: 1961: Examining a mind. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Peter Green and his friends Jack (big, dangerous) and Casey (small, sinister) face final examinations in English. Keen, they discuss their literary ideas. Peter, whose main study-aid is sexual pleasure, discards lissom Arabella, one of his two girlfriends. Competitive exams apparently subvert left-wing ideals. He alienates a don, Haggerty.

common people cover
Alison Light (Churchill 1973)

Family history is a massive phenomenon of our times but what are we after when we go in search of our ancestors? Beginning with her grandparents, Alison Light moves between the present and the past, in an extraordinary series of journeys over two centuries, across Britain and beyond. Epic in scope and deep in feeling, Common People is a family history but also a new kind of public history, following the lives of the migrants who travelled the country looking for work.

how to build a non traditional career path cover
Ron Elsdon (Churchill 1972)

An invaluable resource for general readers at any career stage, this book explains why, when, and how to engage in a fulfilling, nontraditional career path that is both inspiring and practical.

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Chris Paley (Emmanuel 1999)

Your life is dominated by your unconscious mind: by thoughts you're unaware of and movements you don't realise you are making. Words, colours, mannerisms and other cues you don't realise are affecting you, change what you think. The confidence you have in your ability to reason and to consciously choose what to do is caused by a series of illusions that scientists are only just beginning to understand. The discovery of these illusions will change the way we see ourselves more than the discoveries of Darwin and Copernicus.

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Alexander Games (Pembroke 1982)

Charles Goldforbes is the new Latin teacher at Rydon Hall, the third best boys' prep school in Churley, south-west London. Along with the job come two related problems. One is the hideous Florian Bavington, aged 13 but already a master of low-level disruption. The other is the disturbingly alluring Natasha Bavington, Florian’s mother. Drama unfolds as Charles accompanies Florian and the rest of Year 8 on the annual school trip to Egypt, a country which just happens to be on the brink of revolution. The Arab Spring is underway but the tour party’s problems are only just beginning.

Mount Athos cover
Graham Speake (Trinity 1964)

This is a history of Mount Athos from pagan antiquity to the present day. It tells the story of the first monks who were hermits, living in caves and simple huts, often in the most inaccessible parts of the peninsula. The first monasteries were founded in the tenth century with support from the Byzantine emperors. Both traditions survive on Athos today, the anchorites in their desert cells and the monks in the twenty ruling monasteries, coexisting more or less happily as they have always done.

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Alison Wilson (Darwin 1969)

A fascinating look at the life of Rosemary Murray - one of the 20th Century's most prolific educationalists. With a foreword by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

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Edited by Richard Connaughton (St John's 1989)

Members of the parish of Powerstock, Dorset, came together to uncover the stories of the eleven men of Powerstock who fought and died during World War One.

After Before cover
Jemma Wayne (Newnham 1999)

During a cold, British winter, three women reach crisis point. Each suffering their own demons, their lives have been torn open by betrayal: by other people, by themselves, by life itself. But as their paths interweave, they begin to unravel their beleaguered pasts, and inadvertently change each other's futures.

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Laura Robson Brown (New Hall 1990), devised by Katherine Mann (Trinity 1990)

The first of a series of children's picture books set in Cambridge, featuring two mischievous cats and their adventures around familiar sights.

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Richard Askwith (Trinity 1977)

Feet in the Clouds is a chronicle of a masochistic but admirable sporting obsession and an insight into one of the oldest extreme sports.

Running Free cover
Richard Askwith (Trinity 1977)

Part diary of a year running through the Northamptonshire countryside, part exploration of why we love to run without limits, this title offers an account of running in a forgotten, rural way, observing wildlife and celebrating the joys of nature.

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Emily A Holmes (St John's 1996)

Emily A Holmes displays how medieval feminist theologians undermined traditional theology through the incarnational practice of theological writing. Holmes draws inspiration for feminist theology from the writings of these medieval women mystics as well as French feminist philosophers of l'ecriture feminine. The female body is then prioritised in feminist Christology, rather than circumvented. This is a fresh, inclusive theology of the incarnation.


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