Alumni email account information for medics going into their fourth year

Alumni email account information for medics going into their fourth year

Information for medical students who have finished their third year and are about to start their clinical studies (years 4 to 6, including those on the MB/PhD programme)

Congratulations on completing your BA. You are now eligible for an alumni email account and alumni benefits, in addition to your student email account and student benefits. You will need to activate your alumni email account before you can start using it.

Do I have to activate my alumni email account now?

No. You can activate your alumni email account at any time between now and when you leave university at the end of year 6, or anytime after you leave Cambridge.

Can I use my student email account and my alumni email account at the same time?

Yes. The email accounts are separate, unlinked inboxes, so you can use both email addresses simultaneously.

Is there a deadline for activating my alumni email account?

No. However, it is recommended that you at least set up your Raven self-service password recovery now, if you haven’t already. It is also recommended that you activate your alumni account while you're still a student, so you can migrate your student emails across to it. Once your student account closes, your student emails will no longer be available.

If I activate my alumni email account now, do I have to migrate my student emails to it?

No. You can activate and use your alumni email account without migrating your student emails to it. You can migrate your student emails across at any time before your student account closes at the end of year 6. Once your student account closes, your student emails will no longer be available.

Will activating my alumni email account close my student email account?

No. Your student account will not close until you leave the University at the end of year 6 and you will receive a warning email from University Information Services (UIS) before this happens.

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