Departmental webinars to whet your appetite
Dive into different subjects in detail with webinars and recordings from Cambridge’s academic Departments and Faculties

Pembroke Lecture: Four Challenges the world economic faces post COVID-19 with Lord Mervyn King
Former Governor of the Bank of England Lord King discusses his views, looking back to the financial crisis of 2008, Brexit, and continuing through to the challenges facing the world economy following COVID-19, including the restructuring of global debt.

CJBS Perspectives: Finding love and worth at work with Amelia Dunlop
Amelia Dunlop, Chief Experience Officer at Deloitte Digital, is interviewed by Dr Thomas Roulet, Associate Professor in Organisation Theory and Deputy Director of the MBA Programme, about her best-selling book ‘Elevating the Human Experience: Three Paths to Love and Worth at Work’.
In this interview, Amelia explores the importance of cultivating a deeper feeling of worthiness and appreciation in work teams and organisations, and how COVID-19 has impacted the need to consider elevating the human experience.

CJBS - Leading Insights
In an electric conversation, Professor Yuval Noah Harari and Professor Jonathan Haidt cover challenging topics, including social media and mental health, AI and data, the future of technology, and the polarisation of politics.

CJBS, Business Schools for Climate Leadership: The role of nature & challenges of decarbonisation
This conversation is one of a series of webinars on business and climate change organised by Business Schools for Climate Leadership (BSCL) - a collective of eight business schools committed to working together to raise awareness of the issues, challenges and actions needed to help current and future business leaders to tackle climate change.

Department of Computer Science and Technology - Healthcare Research Showcase
The Healthcare Research Showcase webinars are a collection of lightning talks by early-career researchers in the Department. Bringing you topics such as using body sound recordings to train computer models to predict Covid-19, and employing AI techniques in the quest to improve cancer treatment.

Department of Computer Science and Technology
The Antiques Code Show
Attendees were taken on a virtual tour of Cambridge computer science from EDSAC - the first programmable computer to come into service - to the present day. The event showed how Cambridge researchers helped usher in the era of computing as we know it today, and how they’ve continued to lead the field ever since.

Department of Computer Science and Technology
The tenth annual Wheeler Lecture was given by Professor Daniela Rus, Director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT..
The 2021 lecture examined how we have the opportunity to re-think what a robot is and replace hard-bodied robots with softer, more dextrous and more inspired by nature robots.

Cambridge Zero Climate Talks
A weekly show covering an overarching theme of how can we help the planet. There will be interviews with people working in climate change related areas, locally and regionally as well as home stories, children's views of the world and more.

Bennett Institute for Public Policy
In the first University of Cambridge Cambridge Global Conversations "Possible Paths" Interview, economist Diane Coyle, Bennett Professor of Public Policy, Bennett Institute for Public Policy, talks about 'true wealth', natural and social capital, the reason why we should put monetary values on nature (even though it feels weird), long-term planning, lessons from 2008, externalities, inequality, the Victorians, data, and more.

The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH)
The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CRASSH) hosts an ongoing programme of events organised by its research networks and projects, as well as series of conferences and fellowship seminars. Many of these events are available as webinars on the CRASSH Youtube channel.

Cambridge Judge Business School and Trinity Hall - Social Entrepreneurship Lecture
In the recent Social Entrepreneurship Lecture entitled The ‘Impact Revolution’: can capitalism be reshaped to drive real change? hosted by Trinity Hall and the Cambridge Judge Business School, leading impact investor Sir Ronald Cohen and Professor Jennifer Howard-Grenville, Diageo Professor at the Cambridge Judge Business School and Fellow of Trinity Hall, discussed Sir Ronald’s proposals for change.

Centre for Geopolitics
Watch recordings of the Centre's recent virtual panel events, which provide historically-grounded solutions to enduring geopolitical problems.

Plants@Cambridge Annual Seminar Series
Germinating ideas for a healthier, more sustainable future
During 2020 - 2021 CambPlants Hub will be delivering a series of virtual talks and debates where Cambridge researchers and invited experts will offer their insights into some of the latest plant research on three strategic topics:
- Global Food Security,
- Protecting the Environment
- Growing a Sustainable Bioeconomy

Laing O'Rourke Centre
On the 5th of June 2020, academics, industry professionals and government representatives gathered online to discuss a newly launched guidance report entitled ‘Methodology for quantifying the benefits of offsite construction’ (C792).

CJBS Perspectives: Leadership in unprecedented times
A series of talks and presentations from exceptional leaders, faculty and alumni, born of the challenging times in which we all currently find ourselves.

Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership - Advancing Leadership webinar series
Throughout 2020, the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL) will be hosting a series of ‘Advancing Leadership’ webinars. Find out more about which sessions can cater to your development needs and interests.

Faculty of Law
Over the coming months, the Faculty of Law has organised a selection of webinars that are open to alumni, including the 'Criminal Justice in a Pandemic' series.
Previous webinars can be found on the Faculty's YouTube channel - including the recent 'Criminal Justice in a Pandemic: The Courts'
Listen - Youtube

Faculty of Economics - Cambridge-INET COVID Economics Alumni webinar series
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented arguably the most significant economic shock in over 100 years. Mitigating economic damage while protecting the health of citizens requires entirely new economic thinking. At the Faculty of Economics, our research continues to address these important global challenges. Organised by Dr Meredith Crowley, the Cambridge-INET COVID Economics Alumni webinar presents a public lecture series for Cambridge Alumni.

Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
The Institute of Continuing Education (ICE) will be hosting an online series of Topical Talks, Virtual Open Days and a Bitesize Lecture Library. Learn something new, get your questions answered and discover what it’s like to be a student again at the University of Cambridge. Topical Talk speakers include Naked Scientist Dr Chris Smith and award-winning author Sophie Hannah.

Cambridge Judge Business School
The Cambridge Judge Business School is delighted to invite you to join them for their webinar series 'What's Next? How to Survive and Thrive in the Post-COVID-19 World'.

MPhil in Conservation Leadership - Department of Geography
Earlier this month, the Masters in Conservation Leadership alumni network held a ‘Conservation and Coronavirus: what happens next?’, which was chaired by Chris Sandbrook, with Bill Adams as a panellist (along Christina Hicks, Bram Buscher and EJ Milner-Gulland).

Institute for Manufacturing (IfM)
Over the coming months, the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) will be hosting a variety of webinars, which alumni are welcome to participate.

Cambridge Stem Cell Institute
A series of short interviews with Cambridge Stem Cell Institute researchers, exploring how they are adapting their work to investigate Covid-19.