Relationship between Alumni Groups and the University

Relationship between Alumni Groups and the University

  • Image of the University Library
The relationship between Alumni Groups and the University is a formal agreement between both parties.

The University and Alumni Groups work together to ensure mutually beneficial outcomes for both parties. In order for this to happen, we ask new Alumni Groups to complete an application form, and for all Groups to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU outlines how the University and Alumni Groups can best work together, establishing expectations for both the University and the Group in order to secure a bilateral and supportive relationship.  

We feel that it is beneficial for Groups and the University to understand and recognise the relationship they are entering once they become officially recognised:  

  • the University relies upon Alumni Groups to act in the best interests of the University, as its key ambassadors, advocates and supporters for Cambridge
  • the University has the discretion, at all times, to remove an Alumni Group should they act in a way that could be construed as prejudicial to Cambridge
  • the University has no responsibility for the financing of Alumni Groups, however, the Development and Alumni Relations Office can offer funding through the Alumni Groups Grant Scheme
  • the University is not able to intervene in disputes between alumni, or between alumni of other universisites
  • Alumni Groups are independent entities and are responsible for their own governance
Memorandum of Understanding  

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been created to define the relationship between the University and its officially recognised network of Alumni Groups. Official recognition is granted to an Alumni Group upon agreeing to the terms, expectations and standards outlined in the MoU. 

To become an officially recognised Alumni Group of the University, the Group must agree to and sign the Memorandum of Understanding. In return, the University provides a range of services to support and promote the activity of officially recognised Alumni Groups. You can find out more about the services the University provides for Groups on these pages. 

Licence agreement 

In addition to the MoU, Groups can sign a licence agreement that allows them to use a specific logo containing the University name and crest. For Groups that have signed the MoU and the licence agreement, we can create a special recognition mark that all recognised Alumni Groups can use as they see fit. 

The University’s coat of arms is a valuable asset and for this reason, the logo and coat of arms are registered trademarks. The University, therefore, reserves the right to contact any Alumni Groups who are using these trademarks inappropriately or without permission and either ask them to remove them from their branded materials or provide guidance on the correct use.

Next: Structure and membership