The Distraction Trap

The Distraction Trap

distraction trap cover

Author: Frances Booth (Fitzwilliam 1998)

Publisher: Pearson Education

If you're worried that you're losing the power to concentrate, The Distraction Trap can help. Learn how you can easily release your life from the steely grip of modern technology where you're always available and always connected. Discover how you can radically boost your productivity by keeping your whole brain and both eyes on the task in hand.

 You may think you can do ten things at once, with a scattered thinking approach and expect to do everything well and on time. Well, you can't. The Distraction Trap will empower you to focus and prioritise, switch off your email, say 'no' to social media ruling your life and help you rediscover your lost powers of concentration. 

Publication date: 
Thursday 21 March 2013

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