Suffolk Cambridge Society

Suffolk Cambridge Society

The Suffolk Cambridge Society is the Cambridge University alumni group for Suffolk. Membership is open to all graduates of the University who live in or near to Suffolk. The Society organises typically four or five social events a year at interesting venues either in Suffolk or the neighbouring counties. These events provide an opportunity for members and their partners and friends to hear an interesting talk, visit stimulating places, and of course, have an enjoyable meal! The Society has about 200 members.

Further details of the Society and our activities can be found on our website (

Primary Group Contact
Mike Sullivan (Clare College 1955)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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Please do not use this form to send unsolicited advertising or promotional material. See our acceptable use policy for more information.

How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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General Committee Member
Jeremy Bristol (Sidney Sussex College 1961)
General Committee Member
Arthur Draycott (Sidney Sussex College 1961)
General Committee Member
Sarah Gull
General Committee Member
Rodney Knight (Sidney Sussex College 1959)
General Committee Member
Donald MacBean (Christ's College 1958)
General Committee Member
Neil Watts (Magdalene College 1970)
Primary Group Contact
Mike Sullivan (Clare College 1955)
David Smith (Christ's College 1968)

There is a once-only joining fee of £5 to become a member. Each event is then financed by those wishing to attend with the cost per person being set to cover the expenses incurred.

If you wish to join the Suffolk Cambridge Society please visit our website or complete our secure online membership form.

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