Cambridge Society of York

Cambridge Society of York

The Cambridge Society of York was begun in about 1938. Its aim was to help people who read at the University of Cambridge keep in touch with each other and with the University.

Our recent tradition has been to have two meetings a year. One is a formal dinner or lunch, often with a speaker from the University. The other is a summer party, which is an informal meal together in a local pub after we have visited a place of interest.

Each of these events helps us to do what was originally intended, that is, to promote friendship among local Cambridge Alumni and to keep in touch with present-day Cambridge.

We have a list of about 60 members from all walks of life and many good friendships have resulted. We are very keen to let any Cambridge Alumni in this area know that we exist and to welcome them at our events.

We are always looking to recruit new committee members and welcome volunteers from all backgrounds. We organise four events for Alumni and guests each year and welcome new ideas and suggestions for our 2025 Programme. 

Our AGM takes place in The Boardroom at the Principal Hotel, York, immediately prior to the 85th Anniversary Dinner, at 6.45pm - 7.15pm. 

For details of forthcoming events, please contact the Chairman whose details appear below.

Primary Group Contact
Rachael Mather (Queens' College 1990)
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How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement

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Robin Chivers (Clare College 1975)
General Committee Member
Maria Audet (Homerton College 1975)
General Committee Member
Anthony Dixon (Emmanuel College 1982)
General Committee Member
Shirley Haslam (Homerton College 1952)
Primary Group Contact
Rachael Mather (Queens' College 1990)
Vice Chair
Peter Addyman (Peterhouse 1958)


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