Wine Tasting with Gareth Morgan
Wine Tasting with Gareth Morgan
We are delighted that Gareth will be running this event for us. He first discovered wine through attending dinners at Churchill College Cambridge! He went on to become a professor in the business school at Sheffield Hallam University where as well as his main field (charities) he was active in the wine studies group.
He holds the Diploma of the Wine & Spirit Education Trust, was for many years a member of the Association of Wine Educators, and he is co-author of the book: Contemporary Wine Studies: Dancing with Bacchus (Routledge). He now lives in Dunbar, East Lothian where he leads a month programme of Dunbar Charity Wine Events.
Booking information
Spaces are limited so we would recommend booking early to avoid disappointment. Please note that the ticket includes a donation to Gareth’s chosen charity - the Scottish Refugee Council. Any further donations to the organisation would be gratefully received.