London Section Dinner
London Section Dinner
The dinner will be preceded by a talk by H.E. Gordon Bajnai, formerly Prime Minister of Hungary, on how he went from the world of business into politics, and back into business – what he considers to be his greatest achievements as well as his greatest regrets.
- Arrival from 6.30 p.m.
- Talk from 7.00 p.m.
- Canapé Dinner from ca. 7.45 p.m.
- Carriages at 9.00 p.m.
The Canapé Dinner is a highlight of the COACH social calendar, and is intended to raise funds for the COACH Scholarships, recognising academic excellence and leadership, much needed in our current society.
Booking information
RSVP is essential and tickets can be purchased by filling in the registration form. All Members and Students are allowed to ballot for one guest each and registration is required by Sunday, 26th January, payment also has to be received by that time. If you can no longer attend the dinner after filling in this form, please cancel your place by the deadline by contacting the Committee, otherwise you will be liable for payment. Those with access to social media can find the Facebook event here.
The Committee is grateful to our Member Dr Helen Carr (Wadham College, 1998) for hosting us at the Club.
Tickets are:
– £25 for Students (of Oxford or Cambridge),
– £30 for Members,
– £35 for Guests (regardless of the guest being a student's or a member's).
Booking for this event is now closed.