New graduates
If you have just updated your details on CamSIS then you don't need to complete this form. You will receive a welcome mailing, including a CAMCard, shortly after your graduation ceremony.
Former Cambridge Postdocs
Had a letter or email from us?
We're delighted to hear from you - please scroll down to the former postdocs section of the form below and fill in the details you'd like us to use for future communications and sending you your CAMCard.
Just getting back in touch?
If you haven't heard from us, please contact us for initial verification. Please ensure that you provide the dates of your last postdoc position, CRSid (if known) and the Department where you worked, as these might be needed to assist with the provision of benefits to you.
You'll receive a welcome letter or email from us (Development and Alumni Relations) detailing the application procedures for the various benefits and services.
We are proud of our alumni and want to stay in touch with you. Please provide all the information you are able to, in order to help us verify your registration. If your details have changed we will use the information you provide here to update our database.
We aim to process this submission within 10 working days.