Request a CAMCard

Request a CAMCard

New graduates

You don't need to complete this form: you will receive a welcome mailing, including a CAMCard, shortly after your graduation ceremony.


The CAMCard is your official alumni card and is free to all alumni who have matriculated and studied on an approved course at Cambridge. Former postdocs are also eligible for a CAMCard.

How long will it take?

CAMCards are produced in batches, usually every month. If you are visiting Cambridge and need your CAMCard more urgently please email or call 01223 330907 to speak to the Alumni Engagement team instead of completing this form. Please contact us at least five days before your arrival in Cambridge, to allow adequate time to fulfil ad-hoc requests.

Your information

Your preferred name, if different from your legal first name.
For example your maiden name.
You can find your alumni number on emails from us, on the sheet which has your address on with your copy of the alumni magazine (CAM) or your CAMCard. eg: C01234567
Cambridge education
The first College you attended at Cambridge.
The year you first studied at Cambridge.
Former Cambridge Postdocs
Name of the most recent department you were a postdoc at.
Current contact information
We will use this information to update your details, send your CAMCard to the correct address, and so that we can contact you if we require any further information.
Tick the box if you are a new supporter and want to hear more from us. This will not override your existing contact preferences if you are an alumnus or existing supporter.
Please select whether this is your home or work address.

How the University uses your data

We are committed to protecting your personal information and being transparent about what information we hold. Your data is used by us for alumni and supporter relations, and for fundraising. Please read our full data protection statement