The Decarbonization Delusion - What 3.5 Billion Years of Biological Sustainability Can Teach Us

The Decarbonization Delusion - What 3.5 Billion Years of Biological Sustainability Can Teach Us

The  Decarbonization Delusion book cover, featuring a white page with bold typeface

Author: Andrew Moore (Clare 1990)

Publisher: Oxford University Press

Could the race to decarbonize our energy systems be leading us closer to environmental disaster? Why did biology choose carbon, in a variety of compounds, as its energy carrier and storage substance? From the smallest life forms, through multicellular organisms, and up to whole ecosystems, this economy of carbon compounds is fundamentally sustainable. Yet today, many are conspiring to expunge carbon-based energy carriers from human economies, replacing them with solutions based on other elements and minerals.

In The Decarbonization Delusion, independent scientist and writer Andrew Moore shows that the race to decarbonize is leading us further down the road to environmental degradation. Instead of banishing carbon, Moore argues that we should look to life on Earth, which has used carbon in highly sustainable ways for 3.5 billion years, as a model for how humans can use carbon sustainably. The Decarbonization Delusion begins by discussing carbon’s role in the inception of the universe and its critical importance in biology. Moore identifies many intriguing features of biology’s use of carbon that are crucial to creating sustainable human economies on Earth. Throughout, Moore draws on extensive research and original calculations to disprove common fallacies about carbon-based energy carriers and their alternatives.

Politicians, industrial leaders, and even some scientists have contributed to the widespread belief that carbon should have no place in our energy economies. In The Decarbonization Delusion, Moore argues against this idea, asking us to rethink our assumptions and approach sustainable energy development in a more scientific and dispassionate fashion.

Publication date: 
Thursday 1 February 2024

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