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Book shelf

Explore a selection of publications by alumni and academics, and books with a link to the University or Cambridge

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The Falconer's Quarry
Julia Edwards (Queens' 1995)

The key that unlocks Lucy's world has a dangerous power.

It's Easter Saturday, and Joe Hopkins is out riding with his brother. When his horse throws him off, he lands, quite literally, in Tudor England. Joe has learned about the Tudors at school. But if he thinks that will help him, he soon discovers that he knows both too little and too much. He doesn't realise that by giving Lucy his St. Christopher, he is putting her in danger. And when it is taken from her, he faces even greater peril to get it back.

Saving the Unicorn's Horn
Julia Edwards (Queens' 1995)

What can you do when your closest friend lives hundreds of years away?

Joe Hopkins is staying in York for October half-term. He hasn't seen Lucy since the beginning of September and he's really missing her. But when at last he slips through time again, he's alarmed to find himself in a different world altogether. This isn't Roman Britain. It's Jorvik, in the age of the Vikings.

The Leopard in the Golden Cage
Julia Edwards (Queens' 1995)

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to travel back in time?

Joe Hopkins isn't expecting to go anywhere. It's the first day of the summer holidays and he's fed up. His dad has moved out, and he doesn't know what to do with himself for the next six weeks.

Slaves for the Isabella
Julia Edwards (Queens' 1995)

What if freedom wasn't something you could take for granted? What if you had to fight for it?

If there's one thing Joe Hopkins knows better than anyone, it's that the past can be very uncomfortable. But life in wealthy Georgian Bristol seems surprisingly civilized. Lucy's house is light and airy, and there are sandwiches and tea with sugar.

He soon discovers, however, that this civility is only skin deep: Lucy's family is shockingly involved in slavery.

El resorte de la conflictividad en Bolivia: Dinámicas, riesgos y transformaciones, 2000-2008
Cinthya Nicole Jordan Prudencio (Trinity Hall 2016)

Between 2000 and 2008 in Bolivia, numerous and violent social conflicts, with deep historical roots took over the national stage. People belonging to different sectors and socioeconomic backgrounds united their protests and redirected them to complain about the government’s performance and policies. They demanded more inclusion in decision-making processes regarding the management of natural resources and the distribution of revenues.

The Stormy Present
Adam Smith (Sidney Sussex 1995)

In this engaging and nuanced political history of Northern communities in the Civil War era, Adam I. P. Smith offers a new interpretation of the familiar story of the path to war and ultimate victory. Smith looks beyond the political divisions between abolitionist Republicans and Copperhead Democrats to consider the everyday conservatism that characterized the majority of Northern voters. A sense of ongoing crisis in these Northern states created anxiety and instability, which manifested in a range of social and political tensions in individual communities.

Start to Exit: How to maximize the value in your start-up
Adrian Burden (Churchill College 1989)

For anyone looking to build a business ready for sale or merger, Dr Adrian Burden gives a clear and comprehensive guide of what actions to take based on the experience of his own company’s multimillion pound exit after 2½ years and on his work with hundreds of other ventures.

Step by step, he discusses how you can put in place the policies, strategies, systems, processes and tools to satisfy investors when they are sizing you up and deciding what funds to commit.

The Christmas Adventure
Laura Robson Brown (Murray Edwards 1990)

The Christmas Adventure is the latest addition to the Fitz and Will series (published October 2015). It’s Christmas Eve in Cambridge and the cats are off on a festive adventure, which brings them to King’s College. Mayhem is caused at the famous carol service, before Fitz and Will find themselves on a magical sleigh ride home.

The Graduation Adventure
Laura Robson Brown (Murray Edwards 1990)

The Graduation Adventure is the second book in the series, published in April 2015, was launched to a sell out audience at The Cambridge Literary Festival. The Cambridge Cats return for their second adventure which takes them through market square to St Johns College, where Graduation day is in full swing. Fitz disappears and Will can't find her. Where can she be?

The May Ball Adventure 
Laura Robson Brown (Murray Edwards1990)

The May Ball Adventure is the first in the Fitz and Will series published in May 2014. Fitz and Will leave their home, The Fitzwilliam Museum, and trot off into town. Enjoy the mischeif the cats get caught up in as they revel in the sights of Trinity May Ball in full swing.

11 Explorations into Life on Earth
Helen Scales (St John's 1996)

The Royal Institution's Christmas lectures have seen a succession of eminent speakers fill the Ri's iconic Faraday Lecture Theatre and unlock for their spellbound young audiences - and, today, viewers worldwide - the secrets of science. This beautiful hardback volume examines eleven of the past century's most exciting lectures on the natural world, including Cambridge alumnus David Attenborough's animal-packed 1977 Lectures and Richard Dawkins's explosive series on evolution.

Generation HK: Seeking Identity in China’s Shadow
Ben Bland (Magdalene College 2001)

Teenage activists turned politicians, multi-millionaire super tutors, and artists fighting censorship—these are the stories of Generation HK. From radically different backgrounds yet with a common legacy, having grown up in post-handover Hong Kong, these young people have little attachment to the era of British colonial rule or today’s China. Instead, they see themselves as Hong Kongers, an identity both reinforced and threatened by the rapid expansion of Beijing’s influence. Amid great political and social uncertainty, Generation HK is trying to build a brighter future.

The Marian Antiphon of Francis Bernardone
Sr Ruth Evans (St Catharine's 1981)

This study of St. Francis’ Office of the Passion invites the reader to engage with the mind of Jesus as he goes through his Passion in complete abandonment to the will of his Father. It is intended to be used prayerfully. Francis illuminates the interior awareness of Jesus in a unique manner that helps the reader to engage with the Passion from Christ’s human perspective. The presence of Mary as she accompanies her son on his painful journey is explored through the beautiful Marian Antiphon which is recited at the beginning and end of every psalm in Francis’ series.

The Price of Sex
Belinda Brooks-Gordon (Churchill College 1995)

As a society we are buying more sex than ever before. Adult sex shops now take their place amongst retailers in the high street and lap dancing clubs compete for an increased share of the leisure economy; hotel chains offer sexually explicit films as part of their standard service, the party selling of adult toys to women in their homes has become a mainstream activity; and at the traditional end of the sexual service economy, prostitution has experienced new growth.

The Seduction of Curves
Allan McRobie

The Seduction of Curves: The Lines of Beauty That Connect Mathematics, Art, and the Nude by Allan McRobie takes the reader on an alluring exploration of the beautiful curves that shape our world. The reader learns how these curves play out in everything, from the human body to the study of distant galaxies, and the work of artists such as David Hockney, Henry Moore and the final paintings of Salvador Dalí.

The Message
Yan Vana

In the tradition of fiction written with a purpose The Message is an environmental wake up call for everyone on this fragile planet.

It follows an official inquiry into the wanton destruction of a protected nature reserve. The first witnesses give evidence of the extent of the damage. Later witnesses identify those responsible.

As the plot unfolds it becomes apparent that the nature reserve is Earth and the Inquiry is being undertaken by Regulators from other planets who have responsibility for the protection of nature reserves throughout the Cosmos.

Claus and Claws
Alexander Bell (Fitzwilliam College 1980)

All was well at the North Pole until Santa Claus had a gardening accident which affected his mental state. Leaving the Pole for the wider world, he falls under the influence of the urbane and Machiavellian Nick Claws who persuades him, for reasons of his own, to re-invent himself as a modern man of business. This will require Santa to wise up and completely rethink his entire present-giving operation. Is it fit for purpose in the 21st century?

A Better World is Possible
Georgina Ferry

On 17 March 1967 the 26-year-old David Sainsbury (King's 1959) wrote out a cheque for £5 and established the trust which would become the Gatsby Charitable Foundation. Gatsby's purpose was ambitious - to make the world a better place by taking on some of the social, economic and scientific challenges that face humanity.

Mithu Storoni (St John's 1996)

An extensively cited book, giving the reader an overview of the latest model of the neurobiology of stress and evidence-based actionable advice, taken from cutting-edge findings in psychology, psychiatry, physiology, neurology, immunology, gastroenterology and metabolic medicine research. The book is aimed at the discerning lay public, but may also be of interest to readers with a specialist background. 

Immune: How Your Body Defends and Protects You
Catherine Carver (Clare College 2003)

The human body is like an exceedingly well-fortified castle, defended by billions of soldiers – some live for less than a day, others remember battles for decades, but all are essential in protecting us from disease. This hidden army is our immune system, and without it we could not survive the eternal war between our microscopic enemies and ourselves.


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